What is Home?

Home is different for everyone.

To some, home is simply a place to “hang your hat” and “rest your head.” Not much thought or emotional investment is involved. A structure provides a basic need, and that’s enough.

To others, home is a place that means more than anywhere else. It’s a financial, physical, and emotional investment. It’s warmth and energy, love and peace.

For some, design and curb appeal matter, as both a representation and a presentation. It’s the feeling evoked by a specific place; one’s favorite place.

For others, general maintenance and upkeep are just fine. It’s a shell, nothing more, and that’s okay, too.

There is more than one right way to do where you live.

And some of this variation in preference is true for a survivor of domestic abuse or intimate partner violence, too, but the need that will never change is security.

And stability.

Safety from harm, both physical and emotional.

For a survivor, home is a place with no eggshells. No raised voices. No physical attack, intimidation, or psychological warfare.

Home is the ability to freely be oneself. No questions, no arguments.

Home is creating something no one else can destroy.

Home is building something no one else can tear down.

Home is personal, and we here at Flight to Light believe in everyone’s right to experience it.